Selectronic Australia

Bega Library Project

Dispatchable Solar Energy project pilot site


Incorporating the Selectronic SP PRO inverter, this 20kW PV solar power plant has features unavailable to the network until now. The SP PRO inverter was chosen for this project because of its versatility and its many innovative features. All of the client’s unique requirements were achieved with the integration of the Selectronic SP PRO into their project.

This project has demonstrated the benefits and value of deploying a solar generation plant whose output is stable and is not impacted by local environmental variations.  Most importantly, its output is able to be dispatched back into the network at times that are more beneficial to network and therefore displacing thermal base load generation.

An additional benefit of the project was to establish the Bega Library site as a small micro-grid (islanded system) to develop further understanding of the issues and practicalities of establishing such grids.

As a side benefit to the wider community, a tailored marketing and education program was developed to align with this initiative.