SP PRO Series 2i : Intelligence Enhanced
SP PRO Firmware and SP LINK Software Change History
The following table shows the features added in recent versions of SP LINK and the inverter firmware.
You should normally have no need to update the firmware unless recommended by your System Integrator.
If features listed do not solve a problem you are experiencing, it is safest to leave your system alone.
We recommend System Integrators always keep the latest version of SP LINK, to ensure compatibility with our most recently manufactured inverters.
SP PRO Firmware 15.30
- Improved managed AC coupled solar ramp profile to optimise loads while also stabilising battery charging, in conjunction with power flows from/to grid.
- Improved generator lockout operation to clear generator start condition persisting after lockout period ends, provided batteries reach float, from non-generator source (e.g. PV).
- Improved synchronisation stability with generator.
- Improved internal heatsink temperature readings.
- AC Load Energy Output maximum increased from 1000kWh to 7460kWh.
- AC Load Power Output maximum increased from 65kW to 155kW.
- Corrected battery level LED flashing, to cease when SoC is set from Service Settings.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 15.30 or higher to connect
SP LINK Software 15.30
- Includes SP PRO firmware 15.30 for off grid systems and solar hybrid (AS/NZS 4777.2:2020).
SP PRO Firmware 12.25
- Improved cut off voltage protection for 120V Series I and Series II models.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.21 or higher to connect
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 5.03
- Support for Fronius Symo Advanced 10 - 20kW solar inverters.
SP LINK Software 15.22
- Wizard support for additional battery: Power Plus LiFe4838P
- Updated Wizard settings for minimum Cegasa and maximum Pylontech battery modules.
- Added Wizard option to keep generator running if battery hasn't recently been in float.
- Soft Battery setting for Lead Acid battery types.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 5.03.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.25 for Series I and Series II models.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 5.02
- Support for Fronius GEN24 Primo 8kW solar inverters.
SP LINK Software 15.21
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 5.02.
SP PRO Firmware 15.23
- For unmanaged batteries: After the inverter starts, the front panel LEDs will continue to flash until Float Stage is achieved.
The flashing indicates that SoC is potentially uncalibrated.
- Support for Fronius GEN24 Primo solar inverters.
- SP PRO requires SP LINK 15.20 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 5.01
- Supports functions in SP PRO firmware 15.23.
- Support for Fronius GEN24 Primo solar inverters (except 8kW model).
SP LINK Software 15.20
- Support for Cegasa 48V batteries.
- Support for Fronius GEN24 Primo solar inverters.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 15.23 for off grid systems and solar hybrid (AS/NZS 4777.2:2020).
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 5.01.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.39
- Corrects security vulnerability.
SP LINK Software 15.11
- Support for additional battery: Pylontech US5000B.
SP LINK Software 15.10
- Disallow Solar Hybrid (AS4777.2:2020) to be set in non-compliant SP PRO models; SPMC240-AU, SPMC241-AU and SPMC1201.
- The addition of a Storm Switch option in the Site Configuration Wizard.
- Support for additional batteries: BYD LV Flex 5.0, Cegasa eBick PRO-S 280, and Pylontech US3000C.
- Updated Wizard settings for Power Plus batteries, to match their SP PRO configuration Document 2022-08 Ver7.1.
- When AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 is selected, the Volt-Var Power Quality mode is enabled by default.
- Wizard now states the maximum Managed AC Coupled Solar is twice the SP PRO continuous rating, for all applications.
- Resolved issue causing SP PRO to incorrectly report as busy processing communications requests on the other port.
SP PRO Firmware 15.06
- AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 stand-alone compliance.
SP PRO Firmware 15.06 and 14.58
- Reduced shutdown occurrences from single alarm event.
- Improved communication between units in Powerchain systems.
- Improved generator-solar integration with gradual AC power draw to generator.
- Improved AC coupled power control.
- Stabilised power flow between Managers and Workers.
- Improved load power measurement for starting backup generator.
- Improved current sense on power module to reduce "System - Power Module - Current Limit Shutdown" events in Series 2i inverters.
- Corrected export limit for both generic and managed AC coupling.
- Corrected operation after inverter shutdown when "Sync L1 Phase only" set.
- Revised maximum charge voltage for 120V SP PRO units to 160V.
- Reduced inverter shutdowns due to poor grid quality.
- SP PRO requires SP LINK 15.0 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.35
- Supports functions in SP PRO firmware 14.58 and 15.06.
- Corrected issue with muRata managed batteries.
SP LINK Software 15.0
- Extra checks to prevent unsuitable configurations.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 15.06 for AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 compliance or for off-grid systems.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.58 for existing AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 compliant systems.
SP PRO Firmware 14.47
- MODBUS RTU Mode Released
- Revised generator start control based on inverter thermal control
- Improved generator power flow control at low powers
- Corrected KACO Fallback mode
- Individual scheduled relay control logic improvement
- Corrected Low Battery AC Coupled recovery display on front panel with managed batteries
- Multiphase Select.live AC Load kWh now shows all phases
- Multiphase Select.live AC Coupled kWh now shows all phases
- Eliminated daily event log limits
- AC Source power ramp corrected for limits less than 1.3 kW
- ABB Fallback setup improvements
- Multiphase charge target alignment with managed batteries
- SP PRO requires SP LINK 14.40 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.31
- Supports functions in SP PRO firmware 14.47.
SP LINK Software 14.47
- Extra checks to prevent certain unsuitable configurations.
- Prompt for update function improved to eliminate some false detections
- SP LINK prevents updating SP PRO beyond firmware 12.24 unless Comms Card 2017 fitted.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.47 for Powerchain.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 4.31.
SP PRO Firmware 14.40
- Support for Fronius Eco 25.0-3-S and Eco 27.5-3-S.
- Fixed AC Load Power relay control output.
- Improved External Contactor synchronisation in Powerchain.
- Allow override of Managed Battery zero-amp discharge current conditions.
- Improved multi-phase managed AC Coupling control.
- Corrected the control of Fixed AC Source Power Factor for the case with workers.
- Generator ramp-up to full power is now in 30 seconds.
- Prevent workers from starting when the sync cable disconnected.
- Corrected Installer-Only Export Limit; setting is now per phase.
- Allow 60Hz in Powerchain systems.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.40 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.26
- Support for single firmware for all AC Coupling methods.
- Support for future communications protocols.
SP LINK Software 14.40
- Renamed System Schedule "Inverter Shutdown" to "Inverter Disconnect".
- Replaced Independent Grid Sync with Sync L1 Phase Only for Powerchain systems.
- Updated Wizard for single phase grid or single phase generator on Powerchain systems.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.40 for Powerchain.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 4.26.
SP PRO Firmware 14.20
- Improved Powerchain Manager / Worker current control.
- Supports new Battery types: Powerplus 48V, Cegasa eBick-S 144V, Murata 48V.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.20 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 14.20
- Updated Wizard for BYD LVL and LVS modules.
- Updated Wizard for new battery types.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.20 for Powerchain.
SP PRO Firmware 14.14
- Supports AEMO Low Voltage Ride Through.
- Improved response to stepped AC voltage change when synchronised.
- Improved internal fan control.
- Corrected remote power control level.
- Improved clearing of faults from Phase Managers.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.15 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 14.15
- Supports AEMO Low Voltage Ride Through.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.14 for Powerchain.
SP PRO Firmware 14.12
- On grid front panel equalise requests no longer supported.
- Cumulative equalise process improved.
- Front panel startup display improved.
- Improved off-grid dynamic response to AC Load changes with Managed AC Coupling.
- DC Coupling & Managed AC Coupling integration improved.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.12 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.15
- Improved stability of SP PRO to SP PRO SYNC communications.
- Support for new LG Chem battery firmware.
SP LINK Software 14.14
- Configuration display irregularities resolved.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.12 for Powerchain.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 4.15.
SP PRO Firmware 14.10
- Powerchain stability enhancements.
- AC coupled stability enhancement for managed batteries when islanded.
- Firmware version check on start up to ensure all SP PROs in a multi-inverter system are running the same version of firmware.
- Multi phase grid fail generator back up operation fixed.
- Generator auto start due to battery load in multi-inverter systems fixed.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.12 or higher to connect.
SP PRO Firmware 12.24
- Factory testing enhancements. No operational changes.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.21 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 14.12
- Supports Powerchain configuration.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.10 for Powerchain.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.24 for legacy systems.
SP PRO Firmware 14.01
- Fixes an issue in 14.00 that may cause the inverter to fail to start-up.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.0 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 14.10
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.01 for Powerchain.
SP PRO Firmware 14.00
- Powerchain initial release for 4 SP PROs per phase.
- Select.live readings corrected for multi-phase systems.
- Removed support for 60Hz systems.
- Removed support for separately configured, legacy, "Multiple Phases" operation.
- Removed support for KACO Powador AC Coupled solar.
- Removed support for Inverter Unavailable Schedule.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 14.0 or higher to connect.
SP PRO Firmware 12.22
- Improved capacitor life monitoring.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.21 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 4.00
SP LINK Software 14.0
- Supports Powerchain configuration.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 14.00 for Powerchain.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.22 for legacy systems.
SP PRO Firmware 12.21
- Support for BYD LVL15.4 managed battery.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.21 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 12.21
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.21
- Updated Wizard for BYD LVL15.4 settings.
SP PRO Firmware 12.19
- Fixed Export LED to stop it flickering. Export LED now only has 2 states, exporting and not exporting.
- Improved thermal management.
- Improved resilience in link to Fronius inverters.
- Improved managed battery ac output short circuit performance.
- Added support for SCERT Fronius Symo models.
- Added support for future SCERT ABB UNO-Q models.
- Improved AC coupled frequency trip response.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.0 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 12.11
- Added support for connecting via Select.live.
SP PRO Firmware 12.06
- Updated monitoring of Output Capacitors.
- Resolved occasional indication of cleared alarm.
- Resolved occasional mis-triggering of the Digtal and Relay outputs.
- Resolved occasional power-up self-test failure when unit is hot.
- Resolved Generator start retries.
- Improved operation of the Charging Source LEDs on the front panel.
- Resolved GFGBU input selection.
- Revised managed AC Coupled monitoring.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.0 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 3.03
SP LINK Software 12.10
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.06.
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.01 (optional).
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 3.03.
- Updated Wizard for latest BYD recommended settings for SPMC480-AU.
- Updated Wizard to include Pylontech US3000 managed battery.
SP PRO Firmware 12.01
- Additional Power Quality modes.
- Added support for Demand Response Modes.
- Added support for Generation management.
- Added AC Coupled Low DC Shutdown Recovery.
- Added compatibility for Fronius Datamanger update.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 12.0 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 3.00
- Added support for Power Quality modes
- Added support for Demand Response modes (DRMs 0 - 8).
SP LINK Software 12.0
- Includes SP PRO firmware 12.01.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 3.00.
- Added support for new model, SPMC480-AU.
- Added support for genZ battery types.
- Updated Wizard for latest BYD recommended settings.
- Added support for Power Quality modes
- Added support for Demand Response modes (DRMs 0 - 8).
- Added support for Generation management.
SP PRO Firmware 11.11
- Improved performance when SelectSun AC coupling is used in a three phase system
- KACO network power meter functionality removed.
- This firmare is suitable for both single phase and Advanced Multiphase applications.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 11.0 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 11.15
- Includes SP PRO firmware 11.11 for both single inverter and Advanced Multiphase systems.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 2.06.
- Extended support for LG Chem batteries to include RESU13 model.
- Added support for Pylontech US2000 batteries.
- Correct the AC Load Power displayed in the Data View > Now tab when using Generic AC Coupled PV with Advanced Multiphase.
SP PRO Firmware 11.09
- Includes integration of LG Chem and BYD for Advanced Multiphase (split phase and three phase).
- This firmware is suitable for both single inverter and Advanced Multiphase applications.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 11.0 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 2.06
Fixed the charge power display in LG Chem Individual Module data display.
SP LINK Software 11.14
- Includes SP PRO firmware 11.09 for both single inverter and Advanced Multiphase systems.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 2.06.
- Support for LG Chem and BYD for Advanced Multiphase (split phase and three phase).
- Improved integration with Arvio E-Maxx.
- Quick view now displays Total AC coupled PV for Advanced Multiphase.
SP PRO Firmware 11.07
- Added support for Advanced Multiphase (split phase and three phase).
- Support for SelectSun three phase AC coupled grid inverters.
- Logs BMS alarm codes in the event log.
- Added option for Initial Return SoC.
- Added options for Generic AC Coupling.
- Extended maximum Equalise time from 10 to 24 hours.
- Extended maximum charge rate capability from 100% to 200%.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 11.0 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 2.03
- Added feature to allow RS232 to be configured through either internal (RJ45) or external (DB9) ports.
- Updated the to BYD and LG CAN transmitted watchdog messages.
SP LINK Software 11.12
- Dual Firmware Update: Includes SP PRO firmware 11.07 for Advanced Multiphase, plus 10.01 for single phase systems.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 2.03.
- Added options for Sonnenshein@home and BYD with Advanced Multiphase.
- Added options for three phase AC Coupled systems with SelectSun.
- Updated Wizard options for Generators, External Contactor, and Grid Fail Generator Backup kits.
SP PRO Firmware 10.01
- Added support for ABB UNO DM PLUS grid tie inverters.
- SP PRO firmware still requires SP LINK 9.8 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 1.06
- Resolved simultaneous multi-port connection timeout.
- Resolved multi-vendor BMS status reporting.
- Improved AC Coupled data transfer.
- Improved BMS start-up handshake procedures.
SP LINK Software 9.9
- Includes SP PRO firmware 10.01
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 1.06.
SP PRO Firmware 9.81
- Improved SP PRO firmware update with Comms Card 2017.
- SP PRO firmware still requires SP LINK 9.8 or higher to connect.
Comms Card 2017 Firmware 1.02
- Updated CANBUS protocol to BYD's latest specification.
- USB port now identified in SP LINK.
SP LINK Software 9.9
- Includes SP PRO firmware 9.81.
- Includes Comms Card 2017 firmware 1.02.
- Site Configuration Wizard allows for up to 32 BYD B-Plus 2.5 and B-BOX 13.8 / 15.5 modules (requires Comms Card 2017).
SP PRO Firmware 9.80
- Power Override control via serial communications interface.
- Compatibility with BYD, Sonnenschein at home, and LG Standalone (Rack mount) battery types.
- Improved charger stage transitioning in managed AC coupled systems,
- Improve performance with Fronius managed AC coupling and LG chem batteries.
- Extend export limit monitor to include minimum load monitoring for generator or solar hybrid systems.
- Auto recovery option from Battery high voltage unit fault.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 9.8 or higher.
SP LINK Software 9.8
- Support for SP PRO firmware 9.80.
- Installer only settings using installer personal password.
- Adaptive AC load Total Support setting.
This sets the maximum load support from Solar plus battery, to make an AC coupled Solar Hybrid system look like a DC coupled Solar Hybrid system.
- Active Anti-Islanding setting for minigrids.
- Export Limit (replaces factory set export limit).
- Site Configuration Wizard includes BYD, Sonnenschein at home, and LG Standalone (Rack mount) battery types.
SP PRO Firmware 9.70
- Supports the Communications Card 2017 (Advanced Communications Card), which in turn supports LG Chem batteries.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 9.7 or higher.
SP LINK Software 9.7
Support for SP PRO firmware 9.70.
- Simplified Firmware Update.
- Allows zero Export Ramp Time for Generic AC Coupling.
- New settings for Over Target Voltage Trip and Over Target Current Trip, to trip Managed AC coupled inverters to zero output.
- Extended Soft Battery options.
- New tab in Data View > Inverter Details, makes Technical Data clearer to read.
SP PRO Firmware 9.09
- Fixes a bug introduced in 9.00 in on-grid applications.
When the grid failed the SP PRO would not charge the battery from any AC coupled PV.
- SP PRO firmware still requires SP LINK 9.1 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 9.3
- Contains SP PRO firmware 9.09.
SP PRO Firmware 9.08
- Critical update for 9.00 and 9.01 in off-grid applications where a generator is used.
- Fixes a bug introduced in 9.00 in off-grid applications.
Under certain conditions the SP PRO would backfeed power to the generator.
- SP PRO firmware still requires SP LINK 9.1 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 9.2
- Contains SP PRO firmware 9.08.
SP PRO Firmware 9.01
- Supports Fronius Primo solar inverter range.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 9.1 or higher.
SP LINK Software 9.1
- Contains SP PRO firmware 9.01
SP PRO Firmware 9.00
- AS4777.2:2015 compliance, mandatory for all inverters installed after 09/10/2016
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 9.0 or higher.
SP LINK Software 9.0
- Support for SP PRO firmware 9.00
- New Scheduled Inverter Reset in Service Settings.
- Improved communications performance
SP PRO Firmware 8.14
- To avoid installers leaving the SP PRO unconfigured, new inverters will not start until initially programmed.
- New option for AC Source Limit, when in Charger Override.
- AC Coupling Instant Trip when Battery Voltage exceeds a Max Voltage Limit. This prevents overvoltage on fully charged Lithium batteries, which could otherwise shutdown the BMS.
- New Current Shunt option "Direct SoC" allows a State Of Charge reading of 0-100mV from a Lithium BMS.
- New Shutdown input causes the SP PRO to go into idle when the input is active. This is useful for a Lithium BMS to prevent shutdown of the battery bank.
- New output for ABB Ground Fault Alarm triggers on an Earth Fault Alarm from ABB solar inverters.
- External CT can now support up to a 1000A ratio.
- Improved communication with ABB solar inverters reduces error counts.
- Charger mode resets to Initial when SoC drops below 95%.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 8.1 or higher.
SP LINK Software 8.1
- New options for battery type: Lithium LiFePO4 and custom battery
- Allowance for "Soft" batteries with high impedance, such as Aquion.
- New Service Setting allows improved tolerance to poor grid quality.
- Split Direct connection into separate USB and Serial options.
- Solar Hybrid Prorities may be easily reordered to a higher or lower priority.
- Display of Power Factor and Real Power in Technical Data.
- Display of Factory Set Options in Technical Data.
SP PRO Firmware 8.00
- SP PRO Managed AC coupling with ABB solar grid inverters. Only applicable to Selectronic Certified units available from Selectronic only.
- Digital Output 3 is unavailable when ABB Solar is selected in a Managed AC Coupled configuration.
- Ramp frequency for Generic AC coupling is adjustable from 50.1 to 55.2 Hz. There is a failsafe where the AC output frequency will ramp to 55.2Hz under a high battery voltage condition.
- The AC output of the SP PRO will frequency ramp to 55.2Hz with high battery voltage, regardless of configuration, providing failsafe for unconfigured or misconfigured AC coupled systems.
- In a Solar Hybrid (grid connected) power system, the maximum AC coupled Solar (with Managed AC Coupled Solar) is no longer limited by battery capacity. Limits based on the SP PRO model still apply.
- Added “Islanding Power Limit” to include both ABB solar and KACO grid inverters. In a managed AC coupled system, the maximum power output of the AC coupled solar is reduced to suit the Inverter model and battery capacity when the system is Islanded (grid has failed) or when configured as Off Grid (no grid available).
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 8.0 or higher.
SP LINK Software 8.0
- Screen size and position is saved between SP LINK sessions. Screen position of Help file improved.
- Add new baud rate setting of 115,200 baud for Communication Ports.
- Add ABB Solar option to AC coupled port.
- Updated Site Configuration Wizard to include ABB Solar.
- Change Site Configuration Wizard to remove battery capacity limit for AC coupled solar (Managed AC Coupled Solar) in Solar Hybrid systems.
- Automatically set "Islanding Power limit" based on the battery size, brand of AC Coupled inverter (ABB or Kaco) and SP PRO model.
- Add Zero Percent Output (remote off) for ABB communications.
- Disable Econo mode setting when Generic AC coupling is selected.
- Display the RS485 device address for KACO or ABB Solar grid inverters in Data View > Technical Data screen.
SP PRO Firmware 7.09
- Powador control loops optimised to provide greater charging control in both Hybrid and Off Grid systems.
- Improved response time of Generic Inverter frequency control: Now responds in under 1 second if AC source is disconnected and frequency ramping is required.
- Fixed: When only Phase 1 supply connected to Phase 1 of a multiphase phase system, all phases will operate fans correctly.
- For phase charging current regulation, SoC Shunt current is now not used by each phase.
This affects three phase installs as per IN0016 Rev 7 and higher, using 600A shunt. Please check charge current settings after updating firmware. Installs as per IN0016 Rev 6 and lower, using 400A shunt, are not affected.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 7.7 or higher.
SP PRO Firmware 7.08
- Added KACO power limit setting when SP PRO in island mode.
- To comply with Ergon / Energex Grid connect guidelines:
- Added Fixed Power factor parameter to support power.
- Added grid disconnect interlink for 3 phase system.
(If one phase is out of grid tolerance, all phases disconnect.)
- Added AC Source disconnect on 10 min average of AC source voltage.
- Added Over Export power Trip setting.
- Removed KACO RS232 interface (Legacy setting. Replaced with RS485 interface)
- Improvement to KACO AC coupling control stability.
- All front Panel battery and charge LEDs off in Batteryless mode. ON LED is green.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 7.7 or higher.
SP LINK Software 7.7
- Firmware is now included in SP LINK for installers’ convenience.
- Software starts faster and loads configurations faster.
- KACO model numbers and combined power capacity Displayed in DataView / Now screen.
SP LINK Software 7.6
- Added a new Easy Start Guide and Site Configuration Wizard.
SP PRO Firmware 7.07
- Added communication error counter to Powador Link, to assist in setting up managed AC coupling.
- Added Batteryless to Battery Type setting. Allows SP PRO to be used without battery bank.
- Added Fallback Power control for Powador Link. Allows power control of a Powador 00 or 02 that has fallback power set.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 7.5 or higher.
SP LINK Software 7.5
- The following new features all require SP PRO firmware 7.07:
- Added display of Powador Link communication errors in Service tab.
- Added support for SP PRO GO models.
- Added support for batteryless options.
- Added support for new model SPLC1200.
SP PRO Firmware 7.06
- Recommended
update for firmware 7.00 and 7.03.
- Battery SoC calculation improved.
- Improve stability with older revisions of hardware in stand alone.
- Improved tolerance to severe grid distortion.
- Improved performance in a KACO managed AC coupled Solar Hybrid system where the Solar Hybrid Control has both Grid Input Limit and Grid Export Limit set to zero.
- Improved battery voltage control in a multi-phase system.
- When the Solar Hybrid Control has Grid Disconnect enabled, the grid is reconnected before the inverter shuts down from overload. This prevents momentary loss of power when the loads are excessive.
- The disconnect frequency ramp in a Generic AC coupled system is increased from 55.0Hz to 55.2Hz.
- Fixed the issue where the Grid Feed-In Power Rating also affected the AC Load Support Limit.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 7.4 or higher.
SP LINK Software 7.4
- Added display of Battery Charger’s present temperature compensated Voltage and Current targets.
- Added IP address scanner to locate Serial/Ethernet device on local network.
- Only allow Solar Hybrid Control in Grid connect systems with SoC Control. Solar Hybrid Control is not supported in Off Grid and Mobile applications, or where SoC Control is disabled.
- Disallow the “enable” setting for Grid Disconnect and Inverter Disconnect in L2-Seconday and L3-Secondary inverters in a multiphase system. The L1-Primary inverter controls these functions for all inverters.
SP LINK Software 7.3
- Improved communication over Zig Bee wireless connections.
- Improved SP LINK performance on slower computers since 7.0.
SP PRO Firmware 7.03
- SP PRO improved battery equalising from AC coupled solar.
- SP PRO firmware requires SP LINK 7.2 or higher.
SP LINK Software 7.2
- Improved SP LINK starting time.
- Shunts are now allowed up to 1000A (was 500A).
SP LINK Software 7.1
- Several minor display bugfixes to SP LINK.
SP PRO Firmware 7.00
- New feature: Tariff Optimisation.
SP PRO now requires SP LINK 7.0 or higher to connect.
SP LINK Software 7.0
- Eight new Solar Hybrid schedules that define the power and inverter control for a given time slot.
See TB0004 for migrating from legacy settings.