Selectronic Australia

Book an Appointment

Image of telephone and calendarBook an Appointment with Our Technical Experts

At Selectronic, we understand that your time is valuable, that’s why we’re offering a pre-booking service for our customers.

Why Pre-Book an Appointment?

By scheduling a time that works best for you, our experienced technicians can focus on providing the free or billable* tailored support you need without the hassle of waiting on hold. Whether you're troubleshooting an installation or seeking expert advice on our products, booking in advance ensures:


What you need   |   How it works   |   Fee Structure for Billable Calls   |   Terms and Conditions


What You Need Before Your Call

To ensure we make the most of our time together, please have the following information ready:

  1. Product details:
    • Serial numbers and Model numbers.
    • Applicable installation details, e.g., capacity of batteries, generator, solar PV, etc.
  2. A brief description of the challenge you're facing or the reason for your call.
  3. Any specific details about the location or environmental factors affecting the system.
  4. Photos, schematics, or error codes that could help our technicians understand the situation better.


How It Works

  1. Call our office and speak to one of our friendly administrative staff.
  2. Please allow one business day notice to book an appointment.
  3. Appointments are subject to availability. Our team will advise on the available dates and times.
  4. Gather the necessary information and documentation listed above.
  5. At the scheduled time, one of our certified technicians will reach out to resolve your issue.

Ready to get started? Call +61 (3) 9727 6600


Fee Structure for Billable Calls

Within warranty period

For home or site owners
Category Product Services Fee per 30 minutes
All SP PRO Understanding the front panel No fee
Events and Errors - What do they mean?
Reconfiguration (e.g., battery or inverter upgrade)
Select.Live Hardware fault
Installation $29
For Installers
Category Product Services Fee per 30 minutes
Selectronic Inverters SP PRO New Install - Double checking setup No fee*
Hardware failure
Performance Data Zip file discussion
Commissioning - (1st to 3rd install)
Commissioning - (4th install) First 30 mins free, then $29*
Commissioning - (5th install onwards) $49
Firmware Update No fee*
Batteries SelectCell Installation and configuration
Other Managed Batteries Integration
Battery event or error
Unsupported Batteries Battery event or error $49
Monitoring Select.Live Installation $29
Connection assistance
Software SP LINK Explanation of settings and operation
Third Party Components Selectronic Certified Inverters Inverter issue No fee*
Other brand PV Inverters Inverter issue No Support
Generator Installation / integration support First 30 mins free, then $29*

* Free support applies to the original designer / installer of the site. If you are not the original designer / installer of the site in concern, a fee of $29 applies per 30 minutes. 

Out of warranty period

Category Product Services Fee per 30 minutes
Selectronic Inverters SP PRO Diagnose faults and errors $69
Discontinued Products Limited support
Reconfiguration (e.g., battery or inverter upgrade) $49
Firmware Update $29
Batteries SelectCell All support
Other Managed Batteries
Unsupported Batteries Generic batteries - Integration $49
Monitoring Select.Live Installation $29
Connection assistance
Software SP LINK Explanation of settings and operation
Third Party Components Selectronic Certified PV Inverters Inverter issue
Other brand PV Inverters Inverter issue No Support
Generator Installation / integration support



Terms and Conditions

When booking an appointment with our technical support team, we want to ensure the experience is smooth and respectful for all parties involved. Please review the following terms before your scheduled call:

  1. Our experts may call up to 20 minutes before or after your scheduled time. Please be available during this window to ensure we can assist you promptly.

  2. If you wish to change your appointment, our administrative team requires one business day's notice on 03 9727 6600. We will assist you in finding the next available date and time.
    If you will be running late, please advise our team. We will attempt to accommodate you for the same business day or the next available time slot.

  3. Before the call, if you could have all relevant information and documents ready (e.g., as applicable, serial numbers, overall system configuration details, SP LINK installed, how to replicate the issue, any previous communications), this will help us address your concerns faster.

  4. When on site, it is beneficial to have internet connectivity. If there is no mobile data coverage, you may need alternative methods via satellite services (e.g., Starlink). Preplan this with your client. In advance of your call, please ensure you have gained access to local internet or Wi-Fi router, as applicable.

  5. Whenever possible, please allow the call to take place in a quiet, uninterrupted place, allow our team the time to understand and resolve your issues. Background noise, interruptions and aggressive behaviour can delay problem resolution.

  6. During the call, we ask you to follow the guidance provided by our experts. They may ask you to perform troubleshooting steps or gather additional information to better assist you.

  7. We strive to treat every customer with respect and professionalism. We ask that you extend the same courtesy to our staff. Disrespectful language, offensive behaviour, or shouting will not be tolerated. If the conversation continues to be disruptive or abusive after a warning, our team of experts have the right to terminate the call.

By adhering to these terms and conditions, we can ensure a more efficient and respectful conversation, resulting in a faster resolution to your challenge.